December 3, 1981 16 Executive Bill #3 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Co-Executives: Ellen Balaguer Brad Blackwell A BILL To fund a word processor. BILL SUMMARY This bill provides for the funding of a word processor for various areas of UCSU. It is the conclusion of discussions held in the XV Session. BE IT ENACTED By the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: A maximum of $34,001 shall be allocated from Central Reserve for the purchase of a word processor. SECTION 2: The Executive Council urges each affected area to provide partial funding from their respective fund balances. SECTION 3: Criteria for purchasing the word processor shall be the responsibility of the Student Administrator to the Vice Chancellor for Administration. SECTION 4: This bill shall take effect upon passage. December 3, 1981 - First Reading PASSED - Acclamation December 10, 1981 - Second Reading - PASSED - 8-1-1 ~d~.L>eL"/ Brad Blackwell UCSU Co-President Tad Miller President Pro-Tempore UCSU Executive Council fZL"'== ~~~--- Ellen Balaguer UCSU Co-President