16 Executive Council Bill #1 October 29, 1981 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Arts & Sciences Representative: Representative-at-Large: Michelle Conklin Mark Thalhofer A BILL A bill to cap the percentage increase of Student Fees for FY 82-83. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: Student Fees for FY 82-83 shall not be more than a over student fees for FY 81-82. SECTION 2: This cap shall apply to the total amount budgeted and shall be used as a budgeting guide for Joint Boards and Areas, but shall not preclude the pre~ogative of either-Finance Board or Executive Council to increase or decrease specific amounts to any particular fee-recipient area. SECTION 3: This bill shall take effect upon passage by Executive Council. October 29, 1981 - Emergency Measure - PASSED - Acclamation Tad Miller President Pro-Tempore UCSU Executive Council Acting as Executive 9 % increase SECTION 1: