16 Executive Council Bill #12 November 5, 1981 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Tad Miller A BILL A bill which places the following referenda on the Special Election ballot. BE IT ENACTED BY the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: The UCSU Election Commission is requested to place the following referenda on the Fall 1981 (B) ballot: "Do you like Regent Peter Dietze's idea to move departments, programs and facilities of the Boulder campus to other cities? YES 1-1 NO I I II "Arnold Weber maintains that it was proper for him to remove $84,000 from student fee savings. He now proposes to automatically keep half of all interest above 12% which is earned on student fee savings. Do you think he should do this? YES I I NO I I II "Do you think the City of Boulder should require that tenents receive interest from their deposits on rental units? YES I I NO I I II "Should the City of Boulder require that landlords who use leases be required to use mandatory standardized leases,as developed by the Special Citizen Task Force? YES SECTION 2: I I NO I I II This bill shall take effect upon passage. November 5, 1981 - Emergency Heasure - Passed as Amended - Acclamation Tad Miller UCSU President Pro-Tempore Acting as Executive