April 15, 1982 16 Executive Council Bill #56 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Representative-at-Large: Karen Hansen law School Representative: Rick Wagner BILL To amend the Constitution in order to establish an Arbitration Board. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: The UCSU Election Commission shall place the following question on the Spring 1982 ballot: of the UCSU Constitution shall be ommitted, to be replaced with the following: 1) A three (3) member Arbitration Board shall be appointed to settle disputes of constitutional interpretation. This Board will have jusidiction over all such matters except those which change the membership of this Board. All decisions will be final. 2) All references to the Appellate Court shall be changed to read Arbitration Board. 3) Appointment of this Board shall be made by the Executives with majority vote ratification by the Executive Council. It shall consist of a Faculty member, student and non-student. YES SECTION 2: 1_1 NO I I This bill shall become effective upon passage. April 15, 1982 - Ruled out of Order