16 Executive November 5, l 98i counci~ Bill #6 UN I VERSITY OF COLROADO ::>TUuENt UNlON Sponsoced vy: Kepresentative of the Graduale Schocl: Rich Ling A BILL Expansion of the Microphone Open-Forum First: Amendment Right Exercise Verhage Sophist Indulgence League ~rogram. BE IT ENACTED by the Ex ecutive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECT10N 1: The open forum shall be expanded to two days a week, 12:00-1:00. SECTiuN 2: Joe Thorn con t in .le in his role as moderator of the open forum. SEcTiuN 3: UCSU will pay for this service at: the rate of $3.J0/day, the money will come from Executive Council Reserve. SECTION 4: This bill shall become effective upon passage. 1 November 5, 1981 - First Reading - Passed as Amended - Acclamation November 12, 1981 - Second Reading - Passed as Amended - Acclamation Tad Miller UCSU President Pro-Tempore Acting as Executive