16 Executive Council Bill #60 April 29, 1982 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Representatives-at-Large: Tad Miller Tim Pond A BILL BILL SUMMARY To allocate $600 for a senior class gift. BE IT ENACTED By the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: $600 shall be allocated from Central Reserve to the Foundation for the senior class gift account. SECTION 2: This money will be used toward requests of $5 from each senior which will be donated one half to Center for Conflict and Peace Studies and one half to the local Nuclear Freeze campaign. April 29, 1982 - PASSED - Emergency Measure - Acclamation 0808199708081997 Ellen Balaguer UCSU Co-President Tad Miller President Pro-Tempore UCSU Executive Council Brad Blackwell UCSU Co-President