July 1, 1982 17 EXECUTIVE BILL 1114 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: The Executives: Tad Miller Rich Ling A BILL BILL SUMMARY This bill amends the UCSU Student Fee Guidelines. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: The UCSU Student Fee Guidelines shall be amended as per the attached document. SECTION 2: This bill shall take effect upon passage. Amendments to the Student Fee Guidelines 6/IJ/82 SECTION 1.20 (ADD): These guidelines are to be reviewed at least once a year by the Assistant Finance Director and submitted to the Executive Council for approval, whether to be ame·n ded or not. All amendments must be approved individually. SECTION 5.00 (DELETE) "With the exception of Student .Administrators who shall be paid at the level determined by their administrative offices." SECTION 5.23 (ADD) No UCSU employee shall be paid for performing two jobs at any one time, whether classified, unclassified, or contractual. SECTION 5.40 (ADD) With the exception of the UCSU Legal Services attorneys, the Executive(s) shall be vested with the sole authority to approve the hiring of contractual employees. The Executive Council will be responsible for establishing the services to be provided, the length of employment, the rate of pay, and the date of completion of services. The Executive(s), or their designated representative, shall be responsible for -·_. reviewing the performance of the em'ployee and for termination· of the contract upon just cause. The Staff Assistant will only be responsible for administrative functions. Verification of hours will be the responsibility of the Finance Director in conjunction with the Exe·c utive(s}.