July 1, 1982 17 EXECUTIVE RESOLUTION /1104 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: The Executives: Tad Miller Rich Ling Authored By: Bob McMillan A RESOLUTION WHEREAS: Twenty-seven percent of Boulder is student populated, many of whom are renter; and, WHEREAS: Each student-as-renter places in good faith a damage deposit with the landlord as security; and, WHEREAS: It is a valid assumption that such monies are either bearing interest or are invested to the profit of the landlord but not the tenant. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: This representative body supports legislation to guarantee payment of "interest-on-deposits." SECTION 2: We encourage the City of Boulder to adopt a policy which will reflect the needs and rights of the renter population. 0808199708081997