November 4, 1982 18 EXECUTIVE BILL Ill UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: UCSU Executives: Tad Miller Rich Ling A BILL BILL SUMMARY To fund an e,f fort to help encourage student interest in activities around campus. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: For the purpose of contracting, by mail, all confirmed freshman students, $300 is hereby allocated from Executive Council Reserve. SECTION 2: The format shall be a short description of as many groups as possible including separate sections for each Joint Board, Executive Council and Executive Staff. There shall be a reply form so that the student's name and how to contact him/her can be given to the groups in which he/she is interested. SECTION 3: This bill shall become effective upon passage. November 4, 1982- FIRST READING- PASSED- Acclamation November 11, 1982- SECOND READING- PASSED- 6-5-0 Tad Miller UCSU Executive !A ยท Matt u er land Presid t Pro-Tempore UCSU Executive Council