April 4, 1983 18 EXECUTIVE BILL 1/20 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Authored By: The Executives: Tad Miller Rich Ling Representatives-at-Large: Sue Dolton Rep from Environmental Design: Gretchen Roorbach PR Director, Cathy Holtz A BILL BILL SUMMARY Allocates $250 to advertise two lectures/seminars given by Len Barron. BILL HISTORY On Feb. 24, 1983, UCSU Executive Council appropriated a $300 honorarium to Len Barron to present two discussion/seminars (18ECB-13). These are to be held at 7:30 p.m. April 13 & 27 in G..:'030. The presentations are entitled: "On the Pleasure of Growing Older and Education" and, I. Do it Beautifully; II. It is 1983 and What are we Doing?" Both are academically sound and thought-provoking. Such events deserve proper advertising to be sure students are aware of them. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: SECTION 2: S-tc, J SECTION 3: Executive Council shall allocate a maximum of $250 ( $100 for the first lecture and $150 for the second lecture) from Executive Council Reserve for advertising expenses incurred for Len Barron's presentations. The UCSU PR Director shall be responsible for proper placement/production of the ads and flyers in both , the Campus Press and the Colorado Daily. • .,. ~ D D ~ ~ Q_~ ) tj. c. 1 This bill shall be enacted as soon as it is passed. YJ I 0 0808199708081997 April 5, 1983 - Passed CRAC with Recommendation April 7, 1983- EMERGENCY MEASURE- PASS~ M~ J/- 2 -0 Tad Miller UCSU Executive • Rich Ling UCSU Executive .; J