/ / ·18 EXECUTIVE BILL 115 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION December 2, 1982 Sponsored By: UCSU Executives: Tad Miller Rich Ling A BILL BILL SUMMARY A bill to allocate $1260.00 for the trial run of a book exchange. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: The UCSU shall contribute $1260.00 from Central Reserve to implement, on an experimental basis, a basic book exchange. SECTION 2: These funds shall be spent, with resources donated by other groups, according to the following budget: ESTIMATED FIRST SEMESTER BUDGET Ballroom Rental $160.00 8 days @ $20 = $160 75.00 Tables, chairs, etc 150.00 Receipts, signs, price slips 50.00 List of Books from Book Store Advertising End of Fall '82 Semester $30.00 Posters & Leaflets Daily Ads 300.00 2 - Y2 page @ $150 150.00 2 - Y4 page @ $7 5 Beginning of Spring '83 Semester Posters &. Leaflets $30.00 Daily Ads 300.00 2 - Y2 page @$150 2- Y4 page @$75 150.00 TOTAL $ 1395.00 ASSG -7 5.00 -60.00 CoPIRG $1260.00 TOTAL COSTS SECTION 3: The UCSU Service Commission shall help monitor the book exchange project in order to provide insight into the possiblity of continuing with the idea. It shall also provide assistance to Alpha Phi Omega officials. SECTION 4: This bill shall take effect upon passage. December 2, 1982- EMERGENCY MEASURE- PASSED12-2-0 ., Tt.UCSU Executive Matt Sunde and Presiden · ro-Tempore UCSU Executive Council SU Executive