February 3, 1983 18 EXECUTIVE BILL 118 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION l Sponsored By: The Executives: Tad Miller Rich Ling The Representative from Environmental Design: Gretchen Roorbach Representative-at-Large: Tim Pond A BILL BILL SUMMARY To establish a Nuclear Free Zone. BE IT ENACTED By the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student · Union, TI=IAT• SECTION 1: This bill shall establish that there shall be no storage, manufacture, or basing of nuclear weapons facilities of any facility administered by UCSU. SECTION 2: This bill shall become effective upon passage. February 3, 1983 - Tabled. February 10, 1983 - FIRST READING - Passed as Amended - 12-4-0 February 17, 1983 - SECOND READING - FAILS - 7-7-0