18 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL Ill November 4, 1982 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Representative-at-Large: UCSU Executives: Wes Soule Tad Miller Rich Ling A BILL BILL SUMMARY To amend the UCSU By-Laws. BILL HISTORY The UCSU Constitution establishes the responsibility of allocating student money to student groups directly to the legislative branch of UCSU. (see Article II, Sec. A, 2.c). This bill would create the Executive Council Student Organization Committee (SOC) as a permanent Standing Committee to fulfill that responsibility. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: Article VI, Section B the first sentence shall be changed to read: "The Executive Council shall establish and maintain an Appointments Committee, a Rules Committee, an Elections Committee, and a Student Organizations Committee." SECTION 2: Article VI, Section B a new sub section 4- shall be added which shall read: "4. SECTION 3: Student Organizations Committee a) The Committee shall be composed of seven (7) members. Two shall be appointed by the UCSU Representative Council and two shall be appointed by the Lo·cal Schools Council. The Vice Chair of the Student Finance Board shall be a member of the Committee. Two students shall be appointed by the UCSU Executive(s), and ratified by the Executive Council. b) The SOC is empowered to fund an oversee the optional fee-funded student organizations. The Working Copy for SOC contains the rules and regulations that define, govern and outline the duties and responsibilities of the Student Organization Committee. The SOC shall have the responsibility of monitoring and insuring compliance with all Student · Fee Guidelines by each group receiving SOC funding." Article I, Section C, 9 shall read: '.;) Page -218ECB-l "No later than the first scheduled meeting of fall semester, the committee shall elect from among the Executive Council Representatives, a chair, and a vice chair from among the Committee membership." SECTION 4: November November November December This bill shall take effect upon vacancy of the SOC chair. 0808199708081997 4, 1982- Introduced 11, 1982- Not brought to the floor -lack of quorum 18, 1982- Tabled 9, 1982 - ONLY READING - FAILED - 2-10-1