._, ·o December 9, 1982 18 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL /113 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Arts &. Sciences Representative: Business Representative: Speaker: Representatives-at-Large: John Carson Car 1 Oesterle Terri Peterson Wes Soule Rich Diecidue A BILL BILL SUMMARY To form an ad-hoc committee to review in detail the legalities and details of the proposed CoPIRG referendum and to examine possible additional actions to be taken before implementation of the "CoPIRG Referendum". BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: The UCSU shall establish an ad hoc committee to consist of the current members of the Rules Committee, the President Pro-Tempore, the Assistant Finance Director, three (3) additional members of Council, and two members of CoPIRG to act as ex-officio advisors. SECTION 2: The committee shall elect a chair and meet regularly before submitting a report to Council at the second meeting in February unless an extension is requested. SECTION 3: This bill shall take effect upon passage. December 9, 1982- Ruled Out of order