'' ·-.!-!'~ I 0 December 2, 1982 (_. 18 EX1!CUTIVI! COUNCD.. BILL 11.5 UNIVI!RSrrY OP COLORADO STUDENT UNJON I Sponsored By: Authored By: Representatives-at-Largea Rich Diecldue Brian Amick Bill Tucker , ',1 llll Hanuer Deputy Speakers '·, Kim Covington Arts & Sciences Rep: ~ John Carson Rich Diecidue &: Brian Amick A BILL BILL SUMMARY Establishes the Council Reserve Appropriation Committee (CRAC). BILL HISTORY In order for Council to make a proper decision regarding any request by a student-group for funding from Executive Council Reserve, it is imperative that such requests be given in-depth examinations. BE IT EN ACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: An ad-hoc committee shall be formed to look more closely at requests for funding from Executive Council Reserve. This committee shall be named the Council Reserve Appropriation Committee (CRAC). SECTION 2: This committee shall be responsible for examining requests for funding from student groups and giving its recommendation to Council. Its recommendation shall not be binding but act as a guideline of information that Council can follow in making their final decision. SECTION 3: The CRAC shall be composed of six (6) members. Five chosen from and elected by the Executive Council. The Executive Council Treasurer shall serve as a bonified member of CRAC but can vote only to make or break ties. SECTION 4: Requests for funding from a student group can come directly to the CRAC or be referred to this committee by Council after being introduced at an Executive Council session. SECTION 5: The committee shall complete their examination of the request and forward their recommendation to Council members at Council session no later than 10 days after the proposal has been introduced to the committee. SECTION 6: In cases of extenuating circumstances or emergency measures the committee will be responsible for acting promptly on the request as to not delay the proceedings unreasonably. It will be the groups responsibility to contact the committee chair in arranging a meeting to explain the particular circumstances. SECTION 7: This bill shall take effect upon passage. Page- 218 ECB-15 December 2, 1982- ONLY READING - PASSES- 10-1-0 February 10, 1983- Amendment to Section 3 as directed by ISECB-19- ONLY READING- PASSES -15-1-0 Tad Miller UCSU Executive Presiden ro-Tempore UCSU Executive Council Rich Ling UCSU Executive