(; 18 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 021 January 20, 1983 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: President Pro-Tempore: Rules Committee Matt Sunder land A BILL BILL SUMMARY To institute a reporting system for all UCSU Standing and Ad-Hoc Committees by amending the Standing Rules of the Executive Council. BE IT ENACTED By the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: a SECTION 1: Each Committee is responsible for establishing reporting schedule and must inform the Pro-Tempore at the beginning of each new session. SECTION 2: All Standing Committees must submit a written report to the Executive Council once per month. SECTION 3: All Ad-Hoc Committees must submit a report in writing to Executive Council at the end of our designated time, upon the completion of the assigned task or once per month when no time limit or other constraint is imposed. SECTION 4: Each Committee report shall include attendance, votes, ratifications and all pertinent proposals. These shall be included in the weekly legislative packet. Upon failure to submit the second report, the resective chair shall be called to Council to explain the situation. SECTION 5: The Standing Rules shall be amended upon passage. 0808199708081997 January 20, 1983 - Introduced & Referred to Rules Committee January 27, 1983- Passed- Rules Committee ~ February 10, 1983- ONLY READING- Passed- Acclamation ~\A-t:-0.. rland Presi Pro-Tempore UCSU Executive Council