r_, February 3, 1983 18 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 027 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Representative-at-Large: Wes Soule A BILL BILL SUMMARY A bill to amend the Standing Rules of the Executive Council of the UCSU. BE IT ENACTED By the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: The Standing Rules shall be amended to add a new Section II, shall read as follows: "Section II - Elections Two sorts of elections are customary in the Council; one for ProTempore, and the other to fill committee and Joint Board vacancies by Council Members. All voting between Council Members shall be secret. The custon is for the Secretary to distribute slips of paper whereon members write their choices, these are collected and counted by the Parliamentarian, or in his absence, by the Vice-President Pro-Tempore." SECTION 2: The remaining sections of the Standing Rules shall be renumbered appropriately. SECTION 3: This bill shall take effect upon passage. January 27, 1983 - Passed Rules Committee February 3, 1983 - Only Reading - Passed - Acclamation TadMITef UCSU Executive