February 3, 1983 '- 18 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 1128 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Authored By: Representative-at-Large: Wes Soule Joseph Drew, Parliamentarian A BILL BILL SUMMARY A bill to amend the Standing Rules of the Executive Council of the UCSU. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: The Standing Rules shall be amended to add to Section III a new section which shall read as follows: "4) Contracts binding the UCSU to other parties wherein a majority vote of 2/3's present and voting after introduction is required." SECTION 2: This bill shall take effect upon passage. January 27, 1983 - Passed Rules Committee. February 3, 1983 -Only Reading- Passed- Acclamation Tad~ UCSU Executive