0 February 10, 1983 18 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL //31 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Arts & Sciences Rep: John Carson Representative-at-Large: Jill Hanauer Law Rep: Tim Sweeney A BILL BILL SUMMARY Delays the presentation of the UCSU/Boulder Chancellor Working Agreement to the Regent's Meeting on February 17, 1983. BILL HISTORY The UCSU/Boulder Chancellor Working Agreement: A Statement of Principles and Repsonsibilities is presently under appeal. In that the UCSU Appellate Court is unable to hear the matter before the February 17, 1983 Regent's Meeting, this bill is intended to direct a delay in the presentation of the Autonomy Agreement until after a full review by the UCSU Appellate Court. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: This bill directs the UCSU Executives to refrain from presenting the Autonomy Agreement as an instrument of negotiation until it has been fully reviewed by the UCSU Appellate Court. SECTION 2: This bill shall take effect upon passage. February 10, 1983- EMERGENCY MEASURE - PASSED - 15-1-0 Tad Miller UCSU Executive 41~ President Pro-Tempore UCSU Executive Council Rich Ling UCSU Execu ve