February 10, 1983 1& EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL /132 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Chair of Local Schools & Vice President Pro-Tempore: The UCSU Executives: Gretchen Roorbach Tad Miller Rich Ling A BILL BILL SUMMARY Outlines procedure for replacing a vacancy of local school co-reps. BILL HISTORY In order to establish for the UCSU a clear format pertaining to the precedure for replacement of local school co-reps. This bill would create a clearly defined procedure in the event of a resignation by a local school representative. Pursuant to Article X of Section B in the UCSU Constitution. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: In the event of a local school representative resignation their co-rep shall at that time take on all the UCSU responsibility of the resignee on a temporary basis. SECTION 2: When the local school replaces the position of the resigned member the new co-rep shall replace his/her predecessor in all of their UCSU responsibilities. SECTION 3: The new rep may choose to hold all, some or none of their predecessor's responsibilities. SECTION 4: This bill shall take effect upon passage. February 10, 1983- FIRST READING - Passed as Amended - 9-3-1 February 17,1983- WITHDRAWN- Acclamation