November 4, 1982 18 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 114 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Authored By: Arts &. Sciences Represe ntative: John Carson Richard Bouries, SA to Financial Services A BILL BILL SUMMARY Amends the Constitution. BILL HISTORY In that UCSU is facing the dilemma of needing monies for projects that will benefit all students such as the space addition project for the UMC and so forth, and in that such projects will result in increases in excess of one percent, and in that Article XIII.D. prohibits such increases without twenty-five percent of the eligible voters, and in that UCSU has not realized this number of voters in an election in several years, this bill seeks to place an amendment referendum on the Spring 1983 elections with the intent of rectifying this funding problem. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: Article XIII.O. of the UCSU Constitution shall be amended to read: "No single referendum or constitutional amendment shall approve a change in the total student fees of more than a five percent increase, nor commit the University of Colorado Student Union and/or its individual students to any financial obligation for longer than four fiscal years, nor cause a change in the total student fee package that would result in more than a one percent decrease, without receiving both a favorable majority vote and at least twenty-five percent of the students eligible to vote at the time of teh election in favor of the change. This shall not limit the authority of the Executive Council or the Joint Boards as set forth elsewhere in t his Constitution. YES SECTION 4: ballot. NO Upon passage this amendment shall be place upon the Spring 1983 "' 0808199708081997 November 4, 1982- Tabled November 11, 1982- Not brought to the floor -lack of quorum November 18, 1982- Referred to Rules Committee