,- March 31, 1983 18 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL /160 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Representatives-at-Large: Jill Hanauer Tim Pond Wes Soule Rep from Environmental Design: Gretchen Roorbach Co-Rep from Journalism: Vince Patarino The Executives: Tad Miller Rich Ling A BILL -----· - -··- -- ---- - - BILL SUMMARY To allocate from Executive Council Reserve $488.7 5 to Boulder Gay Liberation and Lesbian Caucus to hold an j\.wareness Week from April 11April 15. BILL HISTORY Homosexuals and Lesbians on the CU campus have faced both physical and verbal abuse which shows there is lack of knowledge regarding their status. This Awareness Week will educate the student community of issues of concern to CU students. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Stude nt Union, THAT: SECTION 1: Executive Council shall allocate $488.7 5 for Boulder Gay Liberation and Lesbian Caucus to hold on Awareness Week during the week of April 11th. SECTION 2: This bill shall take effect upon passage. March 31,1983.- CRAC Recommendation March 31, 1983- FIRST READING - Rep Council - PASSED - Acclamation March 31, 1983 - SECOND READING - PASSED - 12-3-0 . --~,~------Tad Miller UCSU Exe cutive ~~- Rich Ling UCSU Executiv