- ......- : ' .- t ~ .. . f .... - __.. •• . . - - - 18 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 1162 March 31; 1983 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Rules Committee: Bill Tucker Tim Sweeney Wes Soule John Carson A BILL BILL SUMMARY Amends the Standing Rules. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: SECTION 2: Article XV. YIELDS shall be changed to read: "1. Each Council member shall have at his or ·her disposal two yields to the audience and one yield to the Council per matter being discussed. Upon yielding, if a member wishes to retain the floor, he or she must so state before yielding. 2. When a member yields the floor to another Council member, or a member of the Body; and before yielding, states that he/she wishes to retain the floor; these things having been done, the original member shall retain the floor and all rights associated with holding the floor. The person yielded to may make no motions other than privileged motions without the consent of the original holder of the floor. 3. The President Pro-Tempore shall add to the list to debate, after the sponsors of the legislation, any member of the UCSU as defined in Article I, Section D of the UCSU Constitution, present as members of the Body, to speak on the matter at hand if that matter directly effects his/her area of responsibility. Such person has only those -rights as extended to yields as defined in Section 2 of this Article." This legislation shall become effective upon passage. March 31, 1983- Rules Committee - PASSED - Acclamation March 31, 1983- SECOND READING- Passed as Amended- Acclamation . =r-ad~M~ Exe-cutfve_ __ ___ ecutive