April 7, 1983 18 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL /164 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Rep from Arts & Sciences: John Carson A BILL BILL SUMMARY This bill shall allocate $57 5 to sponsor an educational cultural event. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: $57 5 shall be allocated from Central Reserve to sponsor an educational cultural event called "Freedom Day: A Celebration of America". SECTION 2: This money shall be allocated according to the "following budget: Advertising Y2 page ad 2 Y4 page ads Boxed ads Honorariums TOTAL $150 $150 $25 $250 $575 SECTION 3: The $250 shall be pending on Council approval of the speakers funded. SECTION 4: This bill shall become effective upon passage. April 7, 1983- FIRST READING- Passed as Amended- Acclamation AprilJ4, 1983- SECOND READING- PASSED -ll-0-2 Ta~ UCSU Executive Rich Ling UCSU Exec J 1ve ..