19 EXECUTIVE BILL 113 June 9, 1983 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: The Executives: Joe Beck Barry O'Shea The Business Rep: Car 1 Vail A BILL BILL SUMMARY To amend the Student Fee Guidelines for the expenditures of Local Schools. BILL HISTORY The Student Finance Office has interpreted Sections 2.13 and 10.00 of the Student Fee Guidelines to mean that Local Schools must spend their money for the benefit of as many students on campus as possible. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: Section 2.13 of the Student Fee Guidelines shall be amended to read: " ... anyone spending student fee monies is accountable to the student body as a whole, and should spend with this in mind. Local School Boards may, however, spend their individual school accounts at their discretion, as they see best to benefit their local school. Local School Boards must follow all other Student Fee Guidelines. SECTION 2: Section 10.00 shall be amended to have the following put after the last sentence: "(Same as what is underlined for Section 2.13 on the pre-v ious page.)" SECTION 3: These amendments shall take effect upon passage. 679783 - Passed as Amended - Local SChools 6/9/83 - Passed - FIRST READING - Representative Council- Acclamation 6/9/83- PASSED- SECOND READING- Executive Council- Acclamation 0808199708081997 }\,(~ 0>,( v\ L\ (KrrJ-l'lOvk Gretchen Roorbach President Pro-Tempore UCSU Executive Council