May 5, 1983 19 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 01 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Representatives-at-Large: Executives: Authored By: Bill Tucker Tom Roberts Tad Miller Rich Ling Kristina Detjen A BILL BILL SUMMARY Establishes an ad-hoc committee to investigate and pursue fund raising activities for SOC groups (and potentially other stud~nt groups)~ BILL HISTORY . SOC has had a funding shortfall for the last two semesters. It has used all of its fund reserves in allocations for the next fiscal year. ·It has required $13,500 from UCSU to bail it out of this last budget cycle. Students have. indicated their displeasure with funding SOC groups with mandatory fees. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: An ad-hoc professional student fund raising committee (pro-fund) shall be established to investigate and pursue fund raising activities for SOC and UCSU student groups. SECTION 2: The Profund Committee shall be composed of: 5-7 students working part time plus one director and 1 member of Executive Council. The student shall be interviewed and selected by the director of Profund and ratified by Executive Council. SECTION 3: $1000 shall be allcoated from SOC Reserve to provide intitial starting funds for Profund. SECTION 4: This legislation shall take effect upon passage by Executive Council. I May 5, 1983 - Referred to SOC - Acclamation