- 19 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 17 June 23, 1983 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Speaker: Jill Hanauer Representatives-at-Large: Vice Pro-Tempore: Journalism Co-Reps Tom Roberts Cary Filsinger Brian Wheeler Phuoc Pham Bill Tucker ·Joan Sullivan &. Vince Patarino A BILL BILL SUMMARY Allocates $450 for freshmen orientation receptions. BILL HISTORY Freshmen orientation is conducted throughout the sum mer to acquaint new students to CU. This is an excellent opportunity to expose UCSU and it's umbrella organizations to these incoming freshmen. Therefore a reception sponsored by UCSU for each orientation group has been planned for the second day of each orientation period. The dates of the planned reception are July 1, 8, 19, 22, 26 and August 26, 1983. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: UCSU shall allocate $450 for refreshments for the freshman orientation receptions. $72 of this amount shall be allocated from the PR account and the rest shall come from the Executive Council Reserve account. SECTION 2: The money shall be used in the following manner: 8 doz. cookies 8 gal. punch $22 x 6 $50 x 6 Addi tiona! labor (if any) TOTAL $132 $300 $18 $450 SECTION 3: Since the fiscal year begins July 1, Council Reserve can not cover this amount of money; therefore the PR account shall be used to finance the first reception at $72, all of which shall be reimbursed from Executive Council Reserve. SECTION 4: This legislation shall take effect upon passage of this Council on July 1st. 19ECB-7 Page -2- 6/23/83 - Appropriations Committee - FIRST READING - PASSED - Acclamation 6/23/83- SECOND READING- Executive Council- PASSED- Acclamation h ~idwJ \,'), G.wul@k Gretchen Roorbach President Pro-Tempore UCSU Executive Council /