August 11, 1983 19 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL RESOLUTION #109 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: President Pro-Tempore: Speaker: Gretchen Roorbach Jill Hanauer A RESOLUTION WHEREAS: In the past the selling of Coors has been a very controversial issue, and is still one on the Boulder campus; and, WHEREAS: Since Coors stands on many political issues which are in opposition to many groups on campus supported by UCSU; and, ยท WHEREAS: The Executives are thinking about using Coors to co-sponsor events with UCSU; and, WHEREAS: A referendum question will be placed on the Fall1983 ballot asking the students whether or not they want Coors co-sponsoring events with UCSU. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: UCSU will not co-sponsor any event with Coors until the Fall referendum is passed or failed as seen fit by the students. 0808199708081997 8/4/83- LOCAL SCHOOLS- INTRODUCED 8/4/83- REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL- FAILED 8/4/83- E~ECUTIVE COUNCIL- FAI~ED- 6-7-0