September 1, 1983 19 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL RESOLUTION 11115 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored By: Rich Diecidue The Executives: Barry O'Shea and Joseph Beck A RESOLUTION WHEREAS: It is the policy of UCSU and the Board of . Regents that mandatory student fees not be used to further an individual's or group's political ideology. WHEREAS: CISPES (a student group on this campus) is in direct viloation of this policy in that mandatory student fees are being used to sponsor one of their events (Central America Week). THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Council at the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: Mandatory student fees not be allocated from CEB (or any other UCSU body) towards this event or future events that do not fully comply with this fee use policy_. 0808199708081997 9/1/83- FiRST READING- FAILS- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 4-13-1