22 EXECUTIVE BILL 115 December 6, 1984 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Tri-Executives: John Francis Brian Wheeler Jill Hanauer Authored by: Susan Cimburek A BILL BILL SUMMARY Provides eight representatives to CSSA and sets up guildlines for their appointment. BILL HISTORY Because CSSA represents students' views of many colleges and universities throughout Colorado, it must have representatives from all schools attending. If UCB is to be fairly represented, eight students are required, as per the CSSA Constitution, to act as the General Assernbly Delegation. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT; SECTION 1: SECTION 2: UCSU shall select 8 students to represent UCB at CSSA. The student Reps shall be selected as follows: 2 students at-large to be chosen by Appointments Committee 2 students at-large to be chosen by the Executives and ratified by Executive Council. 2 Executive Staff members to be chosen by Executives. 2 Executive Council members to be chosen by Council, as follows: 1 Representative from Local Schools 1 Representative from Rep. Council The CSSA representatives shall elect a chair subject to recommendation by the Executives and ratification by the Executive Council. Page 2- 22 Executive Bill//5 SECTION 3: The UCB chair of the delegation shall sit on the CSSA board of directors as a voting member and report back to UCSU. SECTION 4: The term of this appointment shall be eighteen months, if for some reason they are not able to fulfill their duties, the position will be filled through the original appointment process in Section 1. SECTION 5: This bill shall take effect upon passage. 12/6/84- Sent to rules committee 1/24/85- PASSES - EXE UTIVE COUNCIL- FIRST READING - 12-0-0 1/31/85- PASSES- EXE TIVE COUNCIL- SECOND READING- 13-0-0 ..---- . _ rian Wheeler UCSU Execu~i~ ~~~