26 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL U11 January 22, 1987 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Tri-Executives Music Rep. Representative-at-Large Law Representative Representative-at-Large Authored by: SANE Representatives David Aragon Patrice Hauptman John Roberts Dan Sjogren Christine Drylie Jeff Stephens John Ramos Chris Jeffers Catherine Bedell Kevin Jacobs Pat McDonough David Dlnwoodie A BILL BILL HISTORY FINA, the annual Fun in the Nuclear Age outdoor educational and musical festival sponsored by SANE, CU Recycling, and Community Relations, will be Saturday, April 25, 198 7. The event has been expanded to include a week of debate ,lecture, film, and discussion preceding the festival. Also, the festival itself will be enhanced by the music of "the one-man reggae sensation," John Bayley. The festival is open to all students and will allow student groups to set up booths for their own fundraising. BILL SUMMARY John Bayley has agreed to play at FINA for one-half his normal fee, which co.mes to $1,000. Security (two officers) for the day will cost $300. See attached budget for summary of costs and need. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive-C:ounclfoi-ffie- Urilversity of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: UCSU will sponsor the annual Fun in the Nuclear Age special educa tiona! and muscial festival. SECTION 2: UCSU shall allocate $1,300 from Central Reserve for the purpose of contracting John Bayley to play at FINA, and two police officers to work at FINA. SECTION 3: This Bill takes effect upon passage. 1/22/87 -PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 1st READING- 15-0-1 1/29/87 -PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL - 2nd READING - 13-0-1 26 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL Ull -Page 2 ~ Q.e