~ 26 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL //16 January 29, 1987 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Representatives at Large Arts & Sciences Executive Representative-at-Large Authored by: Representative-at-Large A BILL . Timber Notestine Christine Drylie Debbie Austin Kevin Jacobs Steve Chase Jeff Stephens Timber Notestine BILL HISTORY Pursuant to 23 ECB /123, the following are proposed amendments to the current Election Code. BILL SUMMARY Amends the current UCSU Election Code. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: The attached revisions will be added to the UCSU Election Code and the appropriate sections shall be changed. SECTION 2: This Bill takes effect upon passage. 1/29/87- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 1st READING- 13-0-1 (Re-submitted 2/ 5/87) 2/5/87- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 1st READING- ACCLAMATION 2/12/87 -POSTPONED -EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 2/29/87 -PASSES -EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 2nd READING- ACCLAMATION ,a~12 c. m~4. Dean Miller President Pro-Tempore Executive Council 7 J________ ·ucsu / / ET... ECTION COMMITTEE .e~~.r.-~.P5~~~~~~~f~~t.r~~~~~:.~.I C? · n :.:~]:!.?:·~ .:.:·:¢. b:~~::~:i. ~~~-· -····· r •i ·· · 2 9 9 s 7 ................... ·...... --- / ~---~-·--~----~-ii"n·· ;.i"a -~-· -· · · · r ·-· .e / Article III Section 1.2 'f:fe fe_t_e---;·.-:-·~-. T h e y s during the summer, month." h a 1 1 m c e t n t 1 c a ~ t t w i c e a mo n t h , e x c e p t when they shell meet et least once a · Replace with " .... They shall meet within the first of each new semester and a~ needed afterwards." two weeks Article IV Section 2.1 b-e-i-ete-··-..·-·ffi e e 1 e c t i on s i n t h e ~ p r i n ~ s em e s t ~ r s h o 1 1 b e h c 1 d on the last Tuesday and Wednesday .occur in&' together in 'pril." . Replace with "The · elections in the spring semester Rht:ill be held on the second Tuesday and Wednesday occuring together in April."Article V ·-ct ion 4. 7 a--:·~-:on-· t h e d 8 y 0 f t h e M 0 n d f\ t 0 r y c a n d i d a t e s at the Mandatory Candidates Meeting." To be Article V, n u me r i ~ection 10.6 ·c:·a·rry-·(f 0 '\:tn_:-_ . _______ . . . ·---.. . . ....--··· J Me e t i n g II 0 r and move following sections "All candidates will at· all time~ prior to, during, and after the election be responsible for campaign materials and ~c subsequent litter . which may result. Candidates will ~so remain responsible for adherence to University posting rel!ulations and other app.licHble luws nt any time. ucsu, · therefore, itrongly encoura~es all candida.tes to collect all campai~n materials which remain posted or publicly discarded following the election. Article V Section 11.1 b-efet-e--·i'!h e" s p e n tl i n g 1 i mi t s h a 11 be cs t ub1i s hed at '$ 860 each Executive candidacy and $254 for each Representative Council candidate." Replace with "The spending limit shall be established at $700 for each Executive candidacy and $160 foi each R e p r e s e n t a t i v e C o u n ·c i 1 c an d i d a t e . ." -22- -~_. _.......: .r.:.~.r~:' ....... ~ · - -- -~- f 0 r