~ ..... _;t .:- ., . 26 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 028 . February 12, 1987 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Vice President Pro-Tempore Representatives-at-Large Arts & Sciences Representative Tri-Executives Music Representative Authored by: Vice President Pro-Tempore A BILL Debbie Austin Christine Drylie Kevin Jacobs John Ramos Jeff Stephens Wendy Ta tlonghari David Aragon Patrice Hauptman John Roberts Daryl Silberman Debbie Austin BILL HISTORY On December 11, 1986 the students of CU heard Cesar Chavez speak about the "Wrath of Grapes." Since 1985 Chavez, Presidenty of the United Farm Workers, has been speaking out against the use of toxic pesticides on California table grapes and the resulting tragedies affectinv consumers, migrant farm workers, and th.eir children. A successful table grape boycott will effect a return to the enforcement of California agricultural laws restricting the usage of toxic pesticides. BILL SUMMARY This Bill will make UCSU a part of the International Grape Boycott. BE IT ENACTED by the Executfv-e<::ound1 orth-e-Unlversity of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: UCSU hereby b_.ans the sale or use of table grapes in all student fee funded facilities at C U-Boulder. This includes the sale of grapes to non-student fee funded organizations. SECTION 2: The UMC shall post signs to inform the patrons of the purpose of the grape boycott. SECTION 3: This Bill takes effect upon passage. 2/12/87 -PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 1st READING- 10-1-1 2/19/87- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 2nd READING- 11-1-1 ~ ... 4 ,... 26 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL #28- Page 2 Dean Mill President Pro-Tempore Executive Council Patrice Hauaptman UCSU Executive