~ 26 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 05 December 11, 1986 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Tri-Executives Representative-at-Large Authored by: UCSU Cultural Coordinators David Aragon Patrice Hauptman John Roberts Jeff Stephens Eligar Sadeh Michael Lowdermilk A BILL BILL HISTORY We believe that the University is a microcosm of the problems which our nation and world face. It is here that students can become actively involved in the political process, whether it be on a campus, state, national, or international level. We feel it is vital to alleviate the ignorance and apathy prevalent among many college students concerning international events. Today's college youth and tomorrow's leaders need to become more aware and responsive to the needs of different cultures. We feel there needs to be a comprehensive college program that will effectively build upon the cultural and political diversity on campus. The program serves the following functions: (a) to promote interaction and cooperation among students; (b) to promote interaction between students , student groups and the UCSU; (c) to lend experience and organizing skills to programs Executive Council and Culutural Events Board fund; (d) to establish an evaluation criteria whereby UCSU can measure cultural programming, and thus better determine funding for such programs. The Cultural Coordinator staff position is described as follows: THE ROLE OF THE CULTURAL COORDINATOR 1. Establish an evaluation criteria for events funded by Executive Council. a) Evaluation criteria will be established through a volunteer committee composed of student group leaders, representative council members, local school council members, ASSG members, and CEB members. b) Evaluation criteria will be submitted to Executive Council for approval. 2. Provide leadership and input to Executive Council on the utilization of the evaluation criteria. a) Evaluation criteria will aid in the coordination of cultural programs on campus. b) Evaluation criteria will serve as a means for Executive Council members to measure the overall effectiveness of cultural programs on campus. 25 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL IJ~- Page 2 3. Attend cultural programs on campus and submit a written report based on the attendance and effectiveness of the event to be filed by ucsu. 4. 5. Ensure that student groups responsible for cultural programming submit a follow-up report to the Executive Council. Coordinate a yearly international cultural bazaar. ยท a) Promote networks of support among foreign students and minority students. b) Increase student awareness and cultural diversity on campus. c) Bazaar will focus on the expression of cultures through food festivals, music, dance, and speakers. 6. Be available to assist student groups in dealing with the University bureaucracy and regulations. a) Facilitate a better communication process between student groups, finance board, and the student finance office. b) Lend knowledge and experience in order to cut costs of planned cultural events. 7. Serve as liaison between student groups and Executive Council. a) Establish a liaison committee composed of students, student group leaders, and UCSU members to discuss ways in which the communication process between student groups and UCSU can be improved. b) Provide a forum for better understanding the perspectives of student groups and UCSU in regards to cultural programs on campus. 8. Serve as liaison between Executive Staff members and student groups. 9. Take direction from UCSU Executives on matters of interest to UCSU as they relate to the University cultural community. 10. Coordinate cultural and political projects of interest to UCSU and the student body. EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS 1. Staff position will be shared by two individuals. 2. Com pen sa tion of $150 per month for each coordinator, exclusive of semester break, subject to legislative action by Executive Council. 3. Staff position will involve at least ten hours of work per week, per individual. 4. Must be a UCSU fee paying student at all times of employment. 5. Hiring is contingent upon Executive nomination and ratification by Executive Council. 26 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 05- Page 3 6. Evaluations shall be based on: a) Fulfillment of office hours b) Completion of ongoing responsibilities c) Working in a team fashion with other members of UCSU staff d) Progress on projects and tasks 7. a) Dismissal may occur under the following conditions: 1) Failure to fulfill job description 2) Inadequate performance of assigned duties 3) Dishonesty and/or lack of integrity in job related activities b) Dismissal action entails: 1) Written notification by Executives 2) Two week notice will occur, unless significant and/or irreparable harm will result to UCSU. BILL SUMMARY This Bill allocates $1,27 5 from Central Reserve to fund the Executive staff position of Cultural Coordinator. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTlON 1: UCSU shall reestablish the Executive staff position of Cultural Staff Coord ina tor. SECTION 2: UCSU shall reestablish the staff position for a four month term from January 15th to May 15th, 1987. SECTION 3: UCS U shall allocate no more than $1,27 5 for funding of Cultural Coord ina tor Staff position. SECTION 4: This Bill takes effect upon passage. 12/Il/86- FAILS- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 1st READING- 4-7-6