, ~ .__ March 19, 1987 26 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL #51 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Tri-Executives Representatives-at-Large Education Represen ta ti ve Pharmacy Representative Authored by: CISPES Representatives David Aragon Patrice Hauptman John Roberts John Ramos Jeff Stephens Joan Kohanski Linda Artzbarger Joy Barrett Phil Wickman A BILL BILL HISTORY John Stockwell is the highest ranking individual oin the CIA to openly cri ticlze the Agency. He served in the White House on the National Security Council in the mid 1970's, coordinating the CIA's covert war in Angola, a position with many parallels to recent activities of Oliver North. He is the recipient of the seocnd highest honor given by the CIA, the Medal of rnerit. He worked for the CIA for thirteen years, serving in Africa and Vietnam before moving to Washington to run the Angolan war. In 1977 he quit the CIA and wrote his best selling book, In Search of Enemies. Mr. Stockwell is scheduled to give a plenary address in Macky Auditorium on Friday, April 10, as part of the Conference on World Affairs. BILL SUMMARY Mr. Stockwell's travel expenses, food and lodging, as well as the hall rental and advertising costs are all paid for. This Bill will allocate $650 to partially fund his honorarium. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the Univertsity of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: An amount not to exceed $650 be allocated from UCSU Central Reserve to partially fund the honorarium for John Stockwell's address on April 10, 1987 at CU. SECTION 2: This Bill takes effect upon passage. 3Tl9/87 -PASSES -EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 1st READING- 11-1-0 4/2/87- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 2nd READING- 12-1-0 " ..... 26 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL U51 - Page 2 ' /Jf2-an ( .2?zf!fl:,__, / ·vv- -~ . 'I ld' I,,...... ~-- - - - . . . ~?t~