26 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 1156 April 10, 1987 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Representatives-at-Large Tri-Executives Authored by: Recreation Board Chair Representative-at-Large A BILL Jeff Stephens Christine Drylie Kevin Jacobs Timber Notestine John Ramos David Aragon Patrice Hauptman John Roberts Jeff Caird Chris tine Dry lie BILL HISTORY The Fitness/Wellness Fair was conceived as an event for the University community (faculty, staff, students, retirees and alumni) to provide activities and events which enhance health and fitness. The Fair will be held from 11 am to 5 pm on Thur sday, April 30th, in the University of Colorado, Boulder, Recreation Center. The majority of the activities will occur in the Rec Center's main gym. Booths for an amazing collection of exhibitors will be in the west end of the gym; the east end of the gym will have an even more impressive contingent of speakers giving seminars on fitness/wellness topics. Fitness films will be ongoing in the conference room. A healthy marketing to students is needed to ensure maximal student attendance. BILL SUMMARY This BilJ allocates $282.21 from Central Reserve for publicity costs of the Fitness/Wellness Fair. This Bill is Special Order. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: An amount not to exceed $282.21 be allocated from Central Reserve to fund advertisements and publicity for the Fitness/Wellness Fair. SECTION 2: Two 1/4 page ads, Colorado Daily (92.40 x 2) One 1/4 page ad, Campus Press (75.00 x 1) Billboard materials (posterboard, markers, etc.) G.A.R. TOTAL $ 184.80 75.00 10.00 12.41 $ 282.21 4/10/87- PASSES -EXECUTIVE COUNCil- SPECIAL ORDER- ACCLAMATION 0808199708081997 26 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 1156- Page 2 ..6J 40? c ."??:JgL/4 Dean Miller President Pro-Tempore Executive Council •• UDC.··Off •• KICK Off •• ICICIC Off •• kiCK Off •• ICICIC Off •• Th~ race is onl To deaonstrate that it is as effici~nt (and auch healthaer!) to ~alk across caapus as it is to drive arouad it, the University Coaaittee on ~ellness and Fitness has set up a contest bet~een the foot and the car. On April lOth at 10:10 a.a . , two teaas of couriers will leave Reaent Hall on their way to the Payroll Departaent in the Araory: one teaa ~ill travel ia a sleek 240z, the other ~111 hawe oaly floetaess of foot to po~er their ~odies. ~hen the couriers arrive in the Payroll Dcpartaent, they will tiae staap their Official fit1o.ss Coapetiti on cards and both teaas wi ll co3e to the C.U. Recreat io n Center fur a brief awards cereaony at 11:00 a .a. -- and to be one of the fi rst people to check out the c.u. ritness and ~ellness fair! •• ~INARS •• ~~"INARS •• S£"1NARS ••. s£ftiNARS •• S£ftiNARr '• All sealaars will be hold in the C . U. Recreation Center, Main Cya u:oo · Jt : Jo Observors and p~rticipants wel cuae u:oo' - 1: oo Rich Castro: _ Diane Israel: Toni Joraensen :. Clen Marshaan: lnforaation on wellness, safety, fitness, diet and nutrition, and testinc of your health and fitness level. Exhibitors include: Murial Sharp: de~onstrations, ~~- YMCA loulder Senior Center flatiroas Ski Club linesioloay Departaent Aaerican lleart Association .. \ PANEL DISCUSSION QN INDIVIDUAL - ORIUNTED SPORTS Featuring: C.U. Recreation Center, Main Cya April lO, 1917 11 : oo a.~ . -s:oo P·•· '· LOW INrACT AEROIICS DEMONSTRATION Featurina Maa&i lelli Ward, "Fitness and Dance Instructor •• EXHIBITS •• EXHIBITS •• EXHIBITS· •• EXHIBITS •• EXHIBITS •• Wardenburc Studellt llealth Center School of Phanaacy lluaan Perforaance Laboratory C.U. Recreation Center Eaployee Assistance Prograa Boulder Heaorial llospital Aaericaa led Cross Aaerican Cancer Society COIIBJ Front Ranee Walkers Ma . .ocraphy Center Boulder Medical Center Eawi ronaental Ileal th and Safety C. U. Housina Departaent C.U . Police Dept./like Safety Proaraa Boulder Psychiatric Institute Benefits Office C.U . llealth Sciences Ceater lyerly and Coapany Boulder Veto Club Boulder Co. .unity Hospital Boulder Road Runners 1 President of Boulder Road Runners, running coac h and director of C.U . lntraaurals Triathlete llead coach of C.U.'s woaen's cross-country ski tea• and ez-collegiate skier Aaateur body builder and prograa director at Pulse Aerobic and Fitness Center Coach of ~oaen's 7·11 Bicycle Teaa, Olyapic cyclist A discussion ~•ong athletes, focusing on their successful pursuit of their sport and how you, t oo, can ~ecome involved in these "activities . 2:oo - J:oo . : NUTRITION TIIAT FITS YOUR NEEDS Featurin& Colleen lates, Reaistered Dietician, Wardenbura A discussion of nutritional habits that meet your needs, whether yuu ~re an athlete , a couc~ potato or someone in bet~een. J : ts • J :4S OFFICE FITNESS • EXERCISES Will LE YOU WORI Featurina Elaine Downina, Wardenburc Clinical Behavioral Specialist who works with stress aanageaent and biofeedback Demonstration of short relaxation techniques ~hich can he dune at your desk, in front of your terminal, while in a meeting, while cnamuting ..•. 4 : oo • s :ou INCORPORATING A FITNESS PkOCRAN INTO YOUR LIF ESTYLE Featurina : Dr . Art Dickinson, rh . D., Exerci 5e Physioloei~t Dr. Vicky L. Foster, Ph . D. , Exerci se Physiulogist Andrew L. Pruitt, Certified Athletic Trainer, Director of Western Orthopedic Croup A dis c ussiun of the small changes yuu ca n aa~e to enhance your fitness, how to gtt started o• J training progr3m and how to becoae fit and stay healthy. •• fiTNESS fll~ •• fiTNESS fll~ •• fiTNESS fll"S •• FITNESS fll"S C.U . K~creation Center Conference Roqa, Luwer Level Kunnin¥ continu ously Aaericaa Luna Association Qu~~: :~ns t (~II nan Carpenter, eat . 2 · 4~40 '· ~'1·