27 EXECUTIVE BILL 010 September 22, 1987 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Tri-Executives Representatives-at-Large Authored by: SA Greek/ Alumni Elizabeth Burpee Eddie W. Pacheco Perry Dino John Ramos Chris Drummond Suzy Kounkel A BILL BILL HISTORY The University of Colorado Homecoming (Week of Oct. 12-17th) is an event that provides an opportunity for all students to take pride in an institution to which they belong. UCSU has shown its support for Homecoming in the past through partial funding of the event. Last year, UCSU sponsored and promoted a Homecoming Dance that was a tremendous success. This event allows all students to participate during a week that is sponsored on their behalf. BILL SUMMARY This bill shall allocate $2306.70 to fund a homecoming dance on Saturday, October 17th from 9pm - lam in the Glen Miller Ballroom BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union THAT: SECTION 1: UCSU shall allocate an amount not to exceed $2306.70 from Central Reserve to go towards promotion, facility rental, security, band rental, decorations, refreshments and other expenses incurred in sponsoring a Homecoming dance. SECTION 2: UCSU shall be the sole sponsor of this event and its representatives shall oversee the allocation of funds towards expenditures related to this event. SECTION 3: All members of UCSU are encouraged to participate as we will be the responsilble party and host of this event. SECTION 4: This Bill takes effect upon passage. 9/24/87 -PASSES -EXECUTIVE COUNCIL - 1st READING - 12-0-4 10/01/87- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 2nd READING- ACCLAMATION ~ 27 EXECUTIVE BILL U10 - Page 2 Expenditures for Homecoming Dance Band Free Popcorn Set-up fee Decor a tlons Lights (Operator) Sound $1000.00 220.00 225.00 125.00 50.00 150.00 Advertising Y4 page, Colorado Daily 10/14/87 Y4 page, Colorado Dally 10/15/87 Yz page, Colorado Daily 10/16/87 3 box classified ads, Colorado Dally 10/13/87 Y4 page, Campus Press 10/12/87 Y2 page, Campus Press 10/15/87 Classlfleds, Campus Press Posters: 250, Astro I \ :\ 1 1 ' \ \ \ \\ \ . I I \ ./ 175.00 42.00 8.45 Sub total GAR Total I 92.40 92.40 184.80 21.00 I UCSU Executive $2475.05 114.10 $2589.15