27 EXECUTIVE BILL 014 September 29, 1987 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Tri-Executives Music Representative Represen ta ti ves-a t-Large Authored by: Elizabeth Burpee Perry Dino Eddie W. Pacheco Dary 1 Silberman Chris Drummond John Ramos Eddie W. Pacheco Fleretta Vigil Katie Mora Mike Descour Tri-Excutive Students A BILL BILL HISTORY Presidents Leadership Class is a scholarship-centered organization here on the Boulder campus. This year there are approximately in excess of 100 students active in P .L.C. Part of the philosophy of this organization is to provide students with exposure to a broad spec tum of leadership opportunities and encourage students to become actively involved with the campus and community. One of this years projects is to offer the university community an opportunity to come together for a night of comedy. P .L.C. hopes to make this a university wide success by involving all students. Admission will be Free. In order to get the word out a successful advertising campaign must occur. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union THAT: SECTION 1: UCSU allocate an amount not to exceed $366.80 from Central Reserve to cover advertising costs for Comedy Night, Nov. 24. SECTION 2: This Bill takes effect upon passage. BUDGET Event set-up & Security Advertising: Colorado Daily, 2 - Y4 page ads (1 0/20 & 10/23) @ $92.40 x 2 Campus Press, 2 ads (1 0/19 & 10/23) @ $84 x 2 Posters, 100 @ $1.00 each Fliers, 200 @ $.07 each Subtotal Minus contribution from Chancellor Corbridge TOTAL $200.00 $184.80 168.00 100.00 14.00 $666.80 -300.00 $366.80 1078787- TABLED- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 10/15/87- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 1st READING- ACCLAMATION 10/22/87 -PASSES -EXECUTIVE COUNCIL - 2nd READING - 9-0-0 27 EXECUTIVE BILL 1/14 - Page 2 E~ UCSU Executive / Eddie W. Pacheco UCSU Executive