--September 3, 1987 27 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL /110 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Representatives-at-Large Music Representative Graduate · Representative Education Representative Authored by: Representative-at-Large Co-founder of Allied Friends for Male Emancipation Catherine Bedell John Ramos Daryl Silberman Dean Miller Kathleen Eafanti Catherine Bedell Kerwin Brook A BILL BILL HISTORY Dr. Farrell is the author of the recently published book Why Men Are The Way They · Are. He had served on the board of NOW, and has been active with both men's and women's issues for over 20 years. Dr. Farrell will discuss some of the reasons love, intimacy, and commitment mean different things to rnen and women. This seminar will also give participants the opportunity to experience the other sex's point of view through participa tary exercises. Dr. Farrell is the highlight and keynote speaker of the men's conference and the students of C.U. deserve the opportunity to hear his viewpoints. This event is schedualed for Sept. 21st thru Sept. 23rd. To help make this event a success the Alied Friends for Male Emancipation are requesting $838.06 including GAR to produce effective advertising materials, food and one nights lodging for Dr. Farrell. BILL SUMMARY The Allied Friends for Male Emancipation request $838.06 including GAR for advertising, food, and one night of lodging for Dr. Farrell for the Sept. 21-23rd Men's Conference. · BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: The Executive Council allocate $838.06 (includes GAR) for food, one night of lodging for Dr. Farrell and advertising of the Sept. 21-23rd Men's Conference. SECTION 2: All student groups who receive special event funding shall submit a written report to be turned in to the Pro-Tempore and kept on file for access. The Report shall include the following: 1) General overview of the events and the phases of that event, 2) attendance of all phases of the event, 3) did the group sponsoring the event feel they accomplished their goals set forth prior to the event, 4) a detailed account of expenditures. 27 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL /110- Page 2 This report shall be submitted within 30 days of the end of the event. Failure to do so may jeopardize future funding from UCSU Executive Council. SECTION 3: This bill takes effect upon passage. 9/04/87 -PASSES -EXECUTIVE COUNCIL - 1st READING -ACCLAMATION 9/10/87- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 2nd READING- 14-0-1 MEN'S CONFERENCE -BUDGET Already awarded from CEB: Honorarium Hall Deposit 1500.00 Travel 200.00 90.00 2040.00 GAR TOTAL 250.00 Still to be awarded: Food Lodging (Briar Rose - one night) Ads: Colorado Daily 3 quarter page ads (9/18, 21, & 22) 40.00 65.00 277.20 Cam pus Press 1 quarter page ad (9 /21) 89.00 Boulder Camera 1 eigth page ad (9 I 19) 90.00 Flyers/Posters All from Business Express Typesetting Flyers (1000) Posters (1 00) Mailing Flyers (About 550 to men in the Colorado Men's Network) SUBTOTAL GAR (4.6%) TOTAL 63.00 100.00 8.00 120.00 801.20 36.86 838.06 / 27 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL D 10 - Page 3 ,._) Perry Dinl · UCSU ~xecutiv~ '.'\ UCSU Executive 1 ~ \ \j ~~101:-C-J t~die W. Pacheco \~