September 21, 1987 27 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 1/22 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Represen ta ti ves-a t-Large Sponsored by: Tri-Executive Au.t hored by: · Representative-at-Large A BILL Tim Kauffman Adam Kaplin Kelley Ryan John Ramos Chris Drummond Eddie W. Pacheco Tim Kauffman BILL HISTORY The initial $5,000 transfer of student fees from Executive Council to Local Schools Council was enacted to support small groups and to keep these small groups from backlogging Executive Council Agendas, but instead of expressly funding small groups seeking monetary aid, the $5,000 has been used to double-fund large groups. The transfer was not composed of directly allocated student fees, but of student fees allocated to the Executive Council, so in double funding student groups by referring them to both of the respective councils, we as a student union of representatives are advocating and participating in a redundancy that only serves to confuse and mislead the students we represent. Preventing double funding would reflect the sound judgement and mature responsibility in spending of student fee monies, as advocated by the Student Fee Guidelines. BILL SUMMARY This Bill prevents the double funding of any item presented before both of the Executive and Local Schools Councils until such time that Local Schools Council receives direct aHoca tions of mandatory student fees from the students. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: .?;~-~~.~ SECTION 1: Student Groups or Local Service Organizations requesting funds from Executive Council shall not be referred to Local Schools Council in the event that total funding is not obtained. Funding for an event shall not be funded by the Executive Council if they also receive or will receive funding from the Local Schools Council for the same event. SECTION 2: If a student group or local services organization, . notwithstanding these provisions, receives additional funding from Loca:l Schools Council, it will be the responsibility of the Finance Director to stop disbursement of all funds allocated by the Executive Council • •._: .• }$~~~~-~!\"·,~~ .. ~:'_..-.. ..... .r........~~ .......... 27 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL //22 - Page 2 This Bill takes effect upon passage and remains in effect until Local Schools Council receives student fee monies directly from the student body or until Local Schools Council adopts a provision such as this into their bylaws, whichever comes first. SECTION 3: 9/24/87 -PASSES - EXECUTIVE COUNCIL - 1st READING - 8-6-2 9/29/87- FAILS- FINANCE BOARD- ACCLAMATION 10/1/87- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 2nd READING- 7-2-1 1 ffrey D. Ste~ens Pro; empore Executive CoLin il Pr~sident \ , . / ~bMGS\uu:~ ddie W. Pacheco UCSU Executive \\\ .--,