------ 27 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 25 October 6, 1987 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by : Arts & Sciences Co-Executives President Pro-Tempore Education Representative Music Representative Authored by: Arts & Sciences Co-Executive A BILL Susie Fricklas Pete Yob Jeff Stephens Kathleen Eafanti Daryl Silberman Susie Frlcklas BILL HISTORY Annually the University of Colorado participates ln the Belle Bonfils Blood Drive. The Universl ty of Colorado Student Union has always had an active role in recruiting volunteers both to give blood and to work at the drive itself. The act of recruitment can only be facilitated by an active advertising campaign. This year's blood drive will take place on October 27, 28 and 29. BILL SUMMARY This bill allocates $370.11 towards advertising for the Belle Bonfils Blood Drive to take place on October 27, 28 and 29 in the Glenn Miller Lounge and Ballroom. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union THAT: SECTION 1: UCS U shall allocate an amount not to exceed $370.11 to the Campus Press and Colorado Daily for advertisement of the Belle Bonfils Blood Drive. SECTION 2: UCS U members shall take an active role in the recruitment of donors as well as blood drive volunteers. SECTION 3: This bill takes effect upon passage. BUDGET Advertising: Y4 page Colorado Daily 10/23, 10/26 @ $92.40 $185.80 Y4 page Campus Press 10/22, 10/26@ $84.00 168.00 Subtotal GAR $353.80 16.31 TOTAL $370.11 10/8/87 -PASSES -EXECUTIVE COUNCIL - 1st READING -ACCLAMATION 10/15/87- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 2nd READING- ACCLAMATION 27 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 025 -Page 2 _., U&aJ-c?~ Eddie W. Pacheco UCSU Executive