~ October 6, 1987 27 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL //27 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO . STUDENT UNION Sponsored by : Arts &. Sciences Co-Executive Tri-Executlve Music Representative Re pre sen fa ti ve s-at-Large Authored by: Arts &. Sciences Co-Executive Pete Yob Susie Fricklas · Elizabeth K. Burpee Eddie Pacheco Perry Dino Daryl Silberman Adam Kaplin . Tim Kauffman Valarie Ellert Chris Drummond . Pete Yob A BILL BILL HISTORY CU World Citizens have, for ·t he last two years, sponsored a model UN to ·educate students about the activities and workings of the United Nations. Each year the event has attracted more and more participants and this year hopes to be the largest event yet. Outreach is always difficult for student. groups but CU World Citizens works particularly hard to get the word out. Unfortunately, hard work is sometimes not ·enough. Student groups occas~onally need funding for advertisements to promote worthwhile activities. · BILL SUMMARY The amount not to exceed $425.00 shall be allocated from Central Reserve to CU World Citizens for advertising. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union THAT: SECTION 1: An amount not to exceed $425.00 + GAR be allocated from Central Reserve to CU World Citizens. · SECTION 2: This amount shall be used for advertising in the Campus Press and Colorado Daily. SECTION 3: This bill takes effect upon passage. BUDGET Campus Press 50 column inches Colorado Dally 50 column inches Production charge $ 200 $ 220 ~ 42; lOT8/87 -PASSES -EXECUTIVE COUNCIL -SPECIAL ORDER -ACCLAMATION 27 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL //27 -Page 2 ( b(zT/f/ ;:;~ //~I ; r 71V -' C:z5 , "~ k' .;r rc < ' <= -v;r- - ) \__c_;_-rJr~.-o