27 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 1/31 October 13, 1987 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by : President Pro-Tempore Representative-at-Large Jeff Stephens Adam Kaplin Authored by: President Pro-Tempore Jeff Stephens A BILL BILL HISTORY UCSU reached a peak in terms of the AAUS (American Association of University Students) in 1985, when we hosted the na tiona! conference of that organization. Since then ties with AAUS have diminished, and indeed UCSU is no longer a member of this body. Under Article III of the UCSU By-laws, Section 6, Appointment of AAUS Coordinator, it is mandated that Executive Council elect an AAUS Coordinator. Since this hasn't happened in over 2 years, we are and have been in violation of said By-laws. Since we are no longer members of AA US, we should take this section out of our By-laws so we are no longer in violation. BILL SUMMARY This legislation removes Article III, Section 6, from the UCSU By-laws. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University Colorado Student Union THAT: SECTION 1: Section 6 under Article III of the UCSU By-laws is hereby deleted, and the numbering of following sections shall change correspondingly. SECTION 2: All references in the UCSU By-laws to the AAUS or to the AA US Coordinator shall be deleted. 'S ECTION 3: This bill takes effect upon passage. OSTPONED ASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- ONE READING- 14-0-0 / &~ Eddie W. Pacheco UCSU Executive