27 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 39 October 22, 1987 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Law Representatives John Jones Justin Cumming Arts &. Sciences Representatives Pete Yob Susie Ficklas Perry Dino Tri-Executives Eddie Pacheco Elizabeth Burpee Valarie Eilert Representative-at-Large Catherine Bedell Vice President Pro-Tempore Vicky Ortega Hispanic Law Students Authored by: A BILL BILL HISTORY Hispanic Law Students is an organization composed of law students of many diverse backgrounds joined together by common goals and beliefs. Among our purposes as an organization is the desire to promote cultural awareness and education. There is currently a national movement which seeks to designate English as the "official" language of the United States. Several states have passed such legislation while creating a great deal of controversy at the same time. In our own state of Colorado, a group called the Committee for Official English, headed by Rep. Barbara Phillips R-Colo. Spgs., is gathering signatures for the November 1988 ballot which would proclaim English as the official language of the state. It is highly likely that their efforts will be successful. Thus, this issue will present Colorado voters with an important decision throughout the following year. Even today, its impact can be felt. While thousands are signing the petitions, many more are speaking out against it. But yet, to a large number of voters, the issue itself is ambiguous and unclear. Our proposed event, a panel discussion between supporting and opposing sides, is oriented toward answering pertinent questions raised by the issue. For example, what is "official" English? What effect on people's lives? Why would our state be a better place for this law? Indeed, the panel members are highly knowledgeable sources and promise to contribute a great deal to educate the public on this issue. BILL SUMMARY This bill, upon passage, would allocate an amount not to exceed $488.05 plus GAR from Central Reserve in order to pay for promotional costs of a panel regarding "Official English" legislation. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union THAT: SECTION 1: UCSU formally agrees to co-sponsor a panel discussion on November 17, 1987 at the CU Law School regarding 27 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 039 -Page 2 "Official English" legislation. SECTION 2: UCS U, as co-sponsor, shall provide funding as outlined in the budget. SECTION 3: This legislation shall take effect immediately upon passage. 10/22/87- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 1st READING- ACCLAMATION 10/29/87- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 2nd READING- ACCLAMATION BUDGET A) 500 Posters typesetting printing 2,000 Flyers printing $ 35.00 90.00 50.00 6.1% Sub-total B) Print Ads Colorado Daily (2 - Y4 page ads) Campus Press (1 - Y4 page ad) $175.00 10.67 $185.67 184.80 89.00 C) Mailing 50 - 22ยข stamps Sub-total 4.61% GAR TOTAL ~ 11.00 $470.47 17.58 $488.05 ~ UCSU Executive