27 EXECUTIVE RESOLUTION 11101 June 18, 1987 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Authored by: Tri-Executives Elizabeth Burpee Perry Dino Eddie Pacheco Tri-Executives Elizabeth Burpee Perry Dino Eddie Pacheco A RESOLUTION WHEREAS: the State Legislature of Colorado recently passed an Open Meetings Law, 24-6-401/24-6-402, as amended by House Bill 1018; and, WHEREAS: the University of Colorado Student Union is committed to its duties as an organization in service to the tax-paying citizens of Colorado and specifically to the students enrolled at CU Boulder; and, WHEREAS: the UCSU actively worked for the passsage of this legislation, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: UCSU will abide by the Colorado Open Meetings Law. SECTION 2: This Legislation takes effect upon passage. 6Tf8/87- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- ACCLAMATION ,, ~ , - ; ~uee UCSU Executive ' UCS heco U Execut'1ve ' ',_.-_/) ~~