.... . Executive Resolution 102 July 16, 1987 Sponsored by: Tri-Executive Graduate Representative Engineering Representative Education Representative Journalism Representative Representative-at-large Authored by: Tri-Executive Eddie W. Pacheco Perry Dino Dean Miller Rod Fernandez Kathleen Eafan ti Tracy Sanner Catherine Bedell Eddie W. Pacheco Perry Dino A RESOLUTION Whereas: The University of colorado has a responsibility to provide a safe environment for its students; and Whereas: A convicted murderer and rapist presents a threat to a safe community; and Whereas: Presently, the University of Colorado-Boulder is considering to allow Mr. John Auld, a convicted murderer and rapist, admission, work or social privileges on the C.U.-Boulder Campus; and Whereas: In 1971, he was convicted of raping and murdering a Colorado College woman, and was given a life sentence. On January 13, 1986, he was parolled, based on him being a "model" prisoner. One of the conditions of the parole was that he not be allowed on any campus within the state of Colorado whithout permission from his parole officer; and Whereas: Mr. John Auld is on parole until 1991. Therefore, he must abide by the conditions of his parole; and Whereas: We students demand a safe environment composed of responsible cam pus citizens; and Whereas: The presence of Mr. John Auld presents a risk to this campus's safe environment; and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, That: SECTION 1: Mr. John Auld should not be allowed to study, work or socialize on the University of Colorado-Boulder Cam pus SECTION 2: This resolution takes effect upon passage 7/16/87- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 6-4-0 27 EXECUTIVE RESOLUTION 102 -Page 2 ~ UCSU Executive