~~ - 27 EXECUTIVE RESOLUTION 1/104 August 27, 1987 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Tri-Executives Vice President Pro-Tempore Engineering Representative Arts & Sciences Co-Executive Representatives-at-Large Authored by: T r i -Executive President Pro-Tempore Elizabeth Burpee Perry Dino Eddie W. Pacheco Catherine Bedell Rod Fernandez Susie Fricklas Kelley Ryan Adam Kaplin Eddie W. Pacheco Jeff Stephens A RESOLUTION WHEREAS: The University of Colorado, while acknow !edging the the problem, has failed to adequately accommodate the needs of disabled students, and WHEREAS: The University must make a more concerted effort to provide for the fundamental needs of its students in pursuit of an education, and · WHEREAS: Nationwide, .disabled people are the largest minority group and, WHEREAS: UCS U has been a leader in the efforts to see that no student is hindered in any way in the quest for knowledge, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: UCSU hereby reaffirms its commitment to provide the neccessary resources for all students to have equal opportunity in their educa tiona! endeavors. SECTION 2: All facilities and services provided for the students and the University community by UCSU will continue to be accessible to disabled or handicapped persons, so that no one will be unable to take advantage of our programs. SECTION 3: The above mentioned facilities will not only include access for the disabled to all University buildings but also include increased efforts to provide visually & hearing impaired students with the rna terials and certified interpreters they need in order to facilitate an equal opportunity to learn. SECTION 4: UCS U challenges the University to equal our continued support for handicapped students in all areas of the University, not only in facilities provided. SECTION 5: This resolution takes effect upon passage. 872f/87 -TABLED 9/04/87- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- ACCLAMATION 27 EXECUTIVE RESOLUTION 0104- Page 2 ~ . ns resident Pro-Tempore 1 · Ex'e cutive Council II '\ r I \ ;/1\ ._ \I , P~rry D1no \ UCSU Executive \ \1 '! ~ 1uit~\bt~~£) ~~die W. Pacheco UCSU Executive ·