September 23, 1988 29 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL //21 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Business Representative President Pro-Tempore Kurt Wedgwood Drew Bolln Authored by: Business . Representative Kurt Wedgwood A BILL BILL HISTORY In order to be accountable and informative to the students, alumni and faculty of the University of Colorado, a strong marketing function must be used. What function? Advertising! Through advertising, people get reached and become aware of what is going on. People will learn what their Executive Council is doing for its cons ti tuen ts. BILL SUMMARY This bill shall allocate from Central Reserve an amount not to exceed $234.00 GAR towards funding student government ads. + BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: . SECTION 1: The UCSU Executive Council Agenda Item ad will run on Thursdays in the Campus Press and will appear on the bottom right-hand corner of page 3. SECTION 2: The cost per ad will be $29.25 for a 3 x 3 size space. SECTION 3: The project will be tested on an 8 week trial basis at a total cost of $234.00 + GAR from central reserve. SECTION 4: The issues to be listed in the ad will be submitted by the UCSU Public Relations Director pending consultation with the Executive Council President Pro-Tempore and the TriExecutives. SECTION 5: The Cam pus Press requires that the information be submitted by 3:00PM the preceding Wednesday. SE.CTION 6: An underlining goal of the project will be to increase student attendance at the meetings .and enhance voter turnout for the fall election. SECTION 7: An evaluation of the project will be held at Executive Council the meeting following the eight publications. Executive . Council shall decide if the project is to continue in the following weeks. 0808199708081997 9/29/88- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 1st READING- ACCLAMATION 10/6/88- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 2nd READING- ACCLAMATION "' 29 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL //21 -page 2 Drew Bolin President Pro-Tempore _UCSU Executive Council i,)~:,_~ ;.:.;, , ' ,· :\~:·~:~: ,'• <··'~•. . .: • ~~ ..' . ~- •'' •.,,•P:'·~ -:-;:~;.;·~~>'lt:.: ~:..~-. ._.;)~.ot:~. . "'; -~ 'i-~~ '• •• :• ,•• :.·~: ~··,·,:.~:-. .:l"~'~ -~ - :-"/. :',~~w ~