29 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL /122 September 29, 1988 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Music Represen ta ti ves Jon Smith Brad Mueller Les I.,ambert Dawn Massop Tammy Kang Drew Bolin Chris Drummond Brad Mueller Jon Smith Engineering Representative Representatives-at-Large Authored by: President Pro-Tempore Tri-Executive Music Representatives A BILL BILL HISTORY Over the past ten years, the College of Music Student Union has received 25 cents per student per semester for the Music Referendum Fund._ This money is used primarily for the advertising of free concerts on campus, which are provided through the College of Music. In the spring of 1986, the music referendum passed by a vote of 3,006 for, to 1,015 against. This bill puts the referendum on the ballot for the continuation of this fee, beginning Fall Semester, 1989. BILL SUMMARY This bill places a referendum on the Fall 1988 UCSU Election ballot. BE IT ENACTED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: The UCSU Election Commissioner be instructed to place the following referendum on the Fall 1988 UCSU Election ballot: "Shall UCSU continue to assess the students of the University of Colorado at Boulder 25 cents per semester for the next three years, as a part of student fees, to go to the College of Music Student Union Music Referendum Fund, which supports music events on campus and makes them accesible to the student body free of charge? Yes No" SE.CTION 2: Upon passage of this referendum, the College of Music Student Union will turn in semi-annual and year-end financial reports to the Finance Board for review. SECTION 3: This bill will take effect upon passage. 9729/88- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 1st READING- ACCLAMATION 10/6/88- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 2nd READING- ACCLAMATION ~~~{~··..:- :. .:· •• ; ~,. .:.-:_ ...._:-: ·~-~--.:. --. ,, .• -:·.L·-:.-:.·1.. '; :::~_,. :..··.'{ \:-.:.._ :- •.. > ;'_ ~,;; ·.•·.-. _:-~:... ~.< ~ ~ ~ : ,. .....-•.• -:- ,... ............. ~ ;-~ -. - ... ... ,.- __ .· --:._ ·,-. ___ -;-~::..:'.:-~... ~ _-_ ~ ....~-~::r.<.:,. <· ..:·;_:~..~s:;,~>;~·· --~ :~~ ·:-;~~ >- -.,:: ~ -~.;. .;- -~- ,w ~ ·: ~·· .': > . :._._- -: ...... '-~~~~-- ,_,> ... ~. ·: - .. 29 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL BILL 022 -Page 2 ~&L Drew Bolin President Pro-Tempore UCSU Executive Council ~kAt?/ US1e UC 1rc 1 Executive . ·