October 13, 1988 29 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL RESOLUTION 104 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Authored by: Environmental Design Representatives Andy Bromberg Jim Hall Rob Corry Representatives-at-Large Dawn Massop Law Representative Vicky Ortega Business Representative Kurt Wedgwood Graduate Representative John Pratte Environmental Design Representative Jim Hall Environmental Design Student Alliance Clark Brockman members Andy Bromberg Anastasia Lallas Sean Tennant A RESOLUTION WHEREAS: There exists a lack of communication between the Central of the University of Colorado (including: President Gee, Chancellor Corbridge, Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs Ekstrand, and the Board of Regents) and the students, administration and faculty of the College of Environmental Des sign - Boulder cam pus; WHEREAS: There is currently a lack of understanding by the Central Administration, the Chancellors and the Regents as to the nature and intent (the mission) of the College of Environmental Design Boulder cam pus; WHEREAS: The College of Environmental Design is currently based on the University of Colorado, Boulder campus where there exists a rich interplay of students and a vast spectrum of academic resources; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: The student body demands that the Central Administration of the University of Colorado communicated directly with the students, administration and faculty of the College of Environmental Design in regard to all issues pertaining to the interaction between Central Administration and the College of Environmental Design. SECTION 2: The University of Colorado at Boulder student body supports the existence of the College of Environmental Design, a positive attribute to the Boulder campus and the surrounding community, and feels the College is best served by its present surroundings. SECTION 3: The students (of the Boulder campus) oppose any action which threatens the maintenance of the College of Environmental Design and its educational program, or undermines its viability on the Boulder campus. Indeed, we urge the Administration to take actions to improve, rather than undermine the quality of the College's program. The student body of the University of Colorado -Boulder believes in and is deeply committed to the mission and program of the College. 29 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1/104- page 2 SECTION 4: Upon the enacting of this resolution a copy of this resolution shall be sent to all involved parties by the student body. 0808199708081997 IOTIT/88- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- ACCLAMATION ~BL Drew Bolin President Pro-T em pore UCSU Executive Council